Re-opening the shop!
We hope you are safe and and well and have managed during the past difficult weeks. What a strange time for those of us who have been fortunate to have not been unwell. Personally speaking, an enforced holiday with my family, having my student children at home and enjoying my garden have all been positives. However the anxiety surrounding the past three months is something all of us would rather have done without.
I have redecorated the shop, painting the front door a very bright cheerful red! You certainly can't miss it as you go past! I have opened the French doors into the yard behind the shop, giving a light and airy feel as well as an alternative exit and somewhere for people to sit should they wish. The Katie Kerr shop will open on Monday June 15th. Opening times will be 10am to 4pm Monday to Saturday. These hours are slightly reduced to accommodate customers who would like to visit but are nervous. These customers may book an hour 9-10am or 4-5pm to have the shop to themselves.
There will be hand sanitiser for customers and staff to use and an easy route around the shop. No more than two customers will be in the shop at one time, with both fitting rooms open. Fitting rooms will be cleaned after each use and tried on clothes will be steamed before returning to the shop floor.
Our philosophy has always been to welcome customers and to give excellent personal service, this will never change. Whilst we are all taking the greatest care, we will still be offering the greatest service.
We value you all and are so grateful for the support you have given during this peculiar time. Our online shop has kept ticking over and people have appreciated the window changes!
We are so looking forward to welcoming you back to see our beautiful summer collections and please do ring 01434 633622 or email if you would like to book the hours at the beginning or the end of each day.
With all best wishes,