Our New Years Resolution

Our New Years Resolution

Happy New Year! We want to thank all our customers for their continuing support of both Katie Kerr and other small local businesses. New Years resolutions are notorious for not being kept which is why this year Katie Kerr's New Years resolution is to continue on a path we have already started. Our aim is to continue to be eco friendly and environmentally conscious wherever we can and improve on it where we see fit throughout the year. This means continuing to do everything we already do and much more.
  • Continuing to use sustainable and biodegradable packaging for our online orders
  • Choosing brands that don't use lots of plastic and silica gel packets in their packaging
  • Choosing brands that have an aligned viewpoint and awareness of the environmental impact they have
  • Putting pressure on our existing brands to be more environmentally conscious
  • Only using paper bags in our shops.
  • Recycling shoe boxes for our customers.
Let us know what your resolutions are going forward and we will see you in the new year!
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